
What are skin growths and blemishes (skin lesions) that can be removed?

Moles/Nevi: pigmented or non-pigmented protrusions (from neurological irritation or solar exposure, or affected by genetics);

Skin tags: many pigmented or non-pigmented thin-based protrusions (usually from hormonal imbalance);

Senile hemangiomas: small to large red “blood blisters” (usually from capillary fragility and damage);

Keratoses: hard scaly protrusions (many types - age, genetics, and sun related), occasionally pre-malignant;

Other lesions: xanthomas (fatty white dots/areas near eyes); warts/condylomas (genital/anal/ cutaneous), etc. Many blemishes are congenital (existing from birth) as birthmarks are—and cancer may start within them!

Why remove them?

Appearance: No scarring, pitting, or regrowth in the vast majority of cases. Excellent results on the face. Very minimal scarring with flat, deeper pigmented (riskier) lesions.

Safety: Reduced risk of skin cancer. No more watching moles for dangerous changes, when riskier, invasive, scarring procedures (that may spread cancer) become justified.

Prevention: Reduced neurological irritation to the brain and spinal cord from asymmetrical skin growths and protrusions. Skin should be smooth!

Comfort: No more catching of moles on clothing, jewelry, or combs (in scalp growths).

Convenience: Usually requires a single treatment (a few minutes). No medical facility needed. No cutting, stitching, burning, or freezing, with their risk of infection and scars. Guarantee In rare cases of regrowth or incomplete results, there is no charge for re-treatment.


How are they removed? Dr. Tel-Oren’s safe, effective acidic liquid formula is gently applied (using a wooden toothpick) onto the unwanted lesion(s), by a physician he has trained and certified in this aesthetic method.  Currently, about 30 locally licensed physicians (called "Skin Lesion Physicians," or "SLP") are certified by Dr. Tel-Oren to perform this alternative procedure, in many states and several countries.  All the SLP's around the world are using exactly the same liquid formulas and applying them exactly as they were taught by Dr. Tel-Oren during multiple training sessions.  This assures the public that appropriate, responsible clinical decisions are made in each and every case (including referral to a plastic surgeon or specialist when necessary), and ensures homogeneously satisfactory results in every skin clinic around the world. 

Additional information about the liquid and its historical use is available upon request.  Additionally, a science-based educational monograph discussing various skin lesions will be available soon.

As a result of applying this acidic liquid, the lesion's nutrition is restricted because the capillaries within in constrict, leading to painless drying out and shrinking of the unwanted cells.  A scab forms within a few days and drops off within a few weeks, leaving esthetically-pleasing skin.  The best results are achieved with growths of any size on the face and scalp.  Mild de-pigmentation (small aesthetic areas of lighter pigment) may occasionally occur on the arms, legs, & torso, especially when the lesion has deeper roots or when small, flat (but deep) melanin-containing areas are treated to eliminate future risks.  Any deeper layer of pigment that might remain underneath (a rare occurrence) can be safely retreated and eliminated without risk, as no blood vessels are disrupted nor penetrated during the treatment of each layer.

This alternative method has been performed successfully during 3 decades, with more than 150,000 highly satisfied people worldwide.

 Instructions for Skin Clinic

Before treatment

Please relax. The treatment is safe, effective, and essentially painless (even children and babies can handle it very well).

Show your skin growths and blemishes to the Skin Lesion Physician (SLP). You and the SLP will decide together how many lesions will be treated in one session, and which ones will be treated first. Or, if the SLP feels it’s in your best interest, he may refer you to a plastic surgeon or other skin specialists.

Specify your budget at the beginning of the visit, to accelerate the decision process regarding the number of lesions to be treated.  After inspecting your skin, the physician will tell you the cost of the treatment. You can then decide whether to proceed or to modify the number of lesions slated for treatment.

If you proceed, the physician will gently apply the liquid on the growths or blemishes. Please hold still! You will feel a slight burning sensation—like a mosquito bite—lasting a few minutes.

After Treatment

First 12 hrs (minimum) to 24 hrs (best) keep the treated areas dry - no shower, creams, oils or lotions.  During the first 2-3 hrs, the treated area will shrink and become pale with a red halo - blood vessels have constricted, causing the malnourished cells to die.

First 24 hours: please keep the treated area dry (no shower)! In the first 2-3 hours, the treated area will shrink and change color, usually paler with a red halo (hyperemic reaction). The blood supply to the area is constricting, causing the malnourished cells to die. After 24 hours, you can shower/rinse the scab briefly as the scab must not absorb water until it falls off (no prolonged sink, bath, swimming pool immersion). To prevent or reduce scarring, makeup must be removed briefly with minimum water!

After 3-5 days: a hard scab will form on the treated area. Do not rub, scratch, or pick it (after showering, gently pat it dry). If you pull off the scab before it is ready, a new scab will form, but healing will be delayed (with minimal scarring). If it itches, apply a cold pack or ice in a plastic bag. Keep it dry!

After 12-17 days: the scab will fall off naturally, leaving smooth new skin (flat, pigmented, deeper lesions or pre-cancerous keratoses will take much longer to fall off and may scar a bit). Any redness or discoloration will improve over time.


Cost per Session is determined based on the following averages:
Deep, abnormal, complex or larger than average lesions, as well as their location and texture, can increase the price.
Smaller than average lesions can lower it. The more lesions treated, the lower the fee per lesion.
Note: Birthmarks and unusual/difficult lesions are not considered “average.”

1 simple avg lesion: $150 - 185

4 such lesions: about 100 each

7 such lesions: about 75 each

10 such lesions: about 65 each

2 such lesions: about 130 each

5 such lesions: about 90 each

8 such lesions: about 70 each

10 additional lesions: 33 each

3 such lesions: about 110 each

6 such lesions: about 80 each

9 such lesions: about 66 each

10 additional lesions: 30 each

Example:  40 average lesions = $650 + $330 + $300 + $280 = $1,560

10 additional lesions: 28 each


Skin Clinic proceeds and donations will nurture, educate and protect more than 20,000 disadvantaged Nepali children from child trafficking, slavery, and prostitution. Dr. T is the founder of the humanitarian organization:

Please contact the Area Coordinator listed for each location for additional information.


AMA Journal, April 8, 1972, p. 210; and Obstet. & Gynec. Jan. 23, 1973, audio-digest Vol. 20 #2.

Important: If you have questions regarding your previous skin treatment, or future treatments, please contact your local Ecopolitan Area Coordinator. If you have concerns about a treatment, please email photos to